Edgefield, like other parts of the middle sections of the State, was settled by people representing the various nationalities of Europe—English, Scotch, Irish, Welch, German, Dutch, and French, English predominating so greatly as to make the English language the language of the country; though several others are spoken in the United States in different sections and are the everyday language of the people, especially German, Swedish, and French. Like other parts of the upper country, Edgefield received many settlers from the North, from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina; and also perhaps some few from colonies farther North. Some also came from Georgia, as in the early days of that Colony, there were laws prohibiting the sale and use of rum and other ardent spirits, and also the introduction of African slaves. Many Georgia settlers, not liking these laws, moved over into Carolina where the use of both was allowed. No matter from what region they came, nor of what nationality, they were a hardy, brave, energetic, industrious, adventurous set of men, such as pioneers must always be.